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„აღმოსავლეთ-დასავლეთ უნივერსიტეტისა“ და „OxGEn „-ის
As part of the collaboration between “East-West University,” “OxGEn,”
„აღმოსავლეთ-დასავლეთ უნივერსიტეტისა“ და „OxGEn „-ის კოლაბორაციის ფარგლებში ოქსფორდ ნანოპორთან ერთად, გთავაზობთ სტაჟირებით პროექტს ინფექციური დაავადებებისა და ონკოლოგიური სექვენირების მიმართულებით. მონაწილეობა შეუძლიათ…
კიბერუსაფრთხოების საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია
International Cyber Security Conference
On October 10-11 of this year, the 4th international scientific-practical conference "Telecommunications and Security" will be held in Tbilisi. The conference is held within the framework of the conference grant funded by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia and its organizers are Scientific Cyber Security Association (SCSA) and Internet Development Initiative (IDI).
შპს "აღმოსავლეთ-დასავლეთ უნივერსიტეტის" წარმომადგენლების ვიზიტი ინდოეთში.
Visit of representatives of "East-West University" to India, scope of visit They visited 5 cities of India.
Visit of representatives of "East-West University" to India, scope of visit They visited 5 cities of India. They met potential students, introduced them to the information about the university and the opportunities we offer them.
2024 წლის 22-23 ივნისს, ალჟირში, კომპანია „OK TAMAM“-ის ორგანიზატორობით ჩატარდა საგანმანათლებლო გამოფენა „OKEF ALGERIA”,
On June 22-23, 2024, an educational exhibition "OKEF ALGERIA" was held in Algeria, organized by "OK TAMAM"
On June 22-23, 2024, an educational exhibition "OKEF ALGERIA" was held in Algeria, organized by "OK TAMAM" company, in which, along with many leading universities, "East-West University" took part. Within the framework of the exhibition, our representative met with representatives of many successful universities. And most importantly, to potential students, informed them about the university and the opportunities we offer them.
2024 წლის 19 მაისს, გაიმართა "გამოსაშვები საღამოს წვეულება"
On 19th of may, 2024, "graduation ceremony" was held for university graduates, during the evening they were presented with certificates.
On 19th of may, 2024, "graduation ceremony" was held for university graduates, during the evening they were presented with certificates. "East-West University" congratulates the students on graduating from the university, wishes them success in the new stage of life!
“East West University” Representatives visit to “Istanbul Medipol University”.
On April 23, 2024, representatives of "East-West University" visited "Istanbul Medipoli University", presented information about the university, university programs, and discussed possible cooperation and partnership.
გაცნობებთ რომ „აღმოსავლეთ დასავლეთ უნივერსიტეტმა” წვდომა მიიღო „EBSO”-სა და “HeinOnline”-ის სამედნიერო ბაზებზე.
We would like to announce that “East-West university” got access to the scientific bases of “EBSO” and “HeinOnline”.
EBSCO is a leading provider of research databases, e-journal and e-package subscription management, book collection development and acquisition management, and a major provider of library technology, e-books and clinical decision solutions for universities
The selection of participants for the seasonal international school project "Cyber ​​Security and Artificial Intelligence" has begun.
The selection of participants for the seasonal international school project “Cyber ​​Security and Artificial Intelligence” has begun. The lecturers of the seasonal school will be both local and international specialists – professors from Spain, France, Lithuania, the United States of America, Romania, Ukraine.
უნივერსიტეტის პოპულარიზაციის, ადგილობრივ პარტნიორებთან და პოტენციურ სტუდენტებთან შეხვედრისა და ორგანიზაცია "СEECO"-სთან წარმატებული თანამშრომლობის მიზნით, "EWUNI"-ს დელეგაცია ეწვია ინდოეთს. ვიზიტები წარიმართა 12 ქალაქში.
In order to promote the university, meet with local partners and potential students, and successfully cooperate with the "СEECO" organization, the "EWUNI" delegation visited India. Visits were held in 12 cities.
In order to promote the university, meet with local partners and potential students, and successfully cooperate with the "СEECO" organization, the "EWUNI" delegation visited India. Visits were held in...
Starting from September 1, 2023, LLC "East-West University" announces an open competition for the following academic positions at the School of Medicine:
Starting from September 1, 2023, LLC "East-West University" announces an open competition for the following academic positions at the School of Medicine
East-West University announces the competition of scientific grants.
East-West University announces the competition of scientific grants. The purpose of the competition is to fully activate the scientific-research potential of the East-West University, to create new knowledge...
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