Competition For Academic Positions

Starting from October 24, 2022, LLC "East-West Training University" announces an open competition for the following academic positions at the School of Medicine of the same university:

a) in the direction of cardiology and cardiac surgery on 1 staff unit of the professor;

b) on 1 staff unit of associate professor in the field of traumatology/orthopedics;

c) on 2 full-time units of associate professor in the field of obstetrics-gynecology;

Competition conditions:

  1.  The competition must comply with the principles of transparency, equality and fair competition;
  2.  A person with a relevant academic degree can participate in the competition, namely:

In order to hold the position of professor or associate professor, the candidate must have the academic degree of candidate of sciences or doctorate. It is not mandatory to hold a position on a professional basis.

  1.  To participate in the competition, the candidate must present:

a) questionnaire developed by the university (filled), which is available on the university's website ; ;

b) a copy of the identity card;

c) four photographs 3X4;

d) document confirming higher education;

e) a copy of the relevant scientific or doctor's academic degree or equivalent documents; (In the case of an academic degree obtained abroad, the candidate must present a document confirming the recognition of the education obtained abroad, issued by the National Center for the Development of the Quality of Education of LSU);

f) one scientific paper, which, in the candidate's opinion, best represents his research skills;

g) The documents specified in points e) and f) are not mandatory for holding a position on a professional basis;

h) curriculum of one study course (syllabus);

j) To hold a position on a professional basis, documents confirming at least 5 years of practical experience in the field and documents confirming special training (in trainings, conferences, seminars, etc.) must be submitted.

i) Certificate of scientific-pedagogical experience (for holding the position of a professor, at least six years of scientific-pedagogical experience must be confirmed by a report, and for holding the position of an associate professor, it is necessary to have at least three years of scientific- pedagogical experience confirmed by a report);

l) o hold a position on a professional basis, documents confirming at least 5 years of practical experience in the field and documents confirming special training (in trainings, conferences, seminars, etc.) must be submitted.

k) a document confirming the experience of reading lectures in English;

  1. state certificates in permitted clinical specialties - in accordance with the competitive position;

a) the candidate's ability to teach courses in the relevant specialty based on the modern requirements of science;

b) teaching experience;

quantity and quality of scientific publications (especially in the last ten years).

  1. 1. Acceptance of competitive applications is carried out by the Human Resources Management and Proceedings Service of the East-West University, at the address: St. Tbilisi, Vakhtang Gorgasali Street #9, from November 24 to November 29, 2022.
  2. 2. The results of the competition will be announced on December 6, 2022 on the university website .
  3.  The documents must be submitted also in electronic form, recorded on a DVD-disk.
  4.  Contest documents are not returned to contestants.

The competition will be held in three stages (study of the contestants' documentation by the competition commission, initial assessment, interview and reconciliation with the contestants selected as a result of the documentation - making a decision).



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