From October 17, 2024, East-West University is announcing an open competition for positions in the English-language Business Administration program. All specialists with the relevant academic qualifications are eligible to participate.

From October 17, 2024, East-West University is announcing an open competition for positions in the English-language Business Administration program. All specialists with the relevant academic qualifications are eligible to participate.

Available Positions::

  1. 1. Professor - 1 position
  2. 2. Associate Professor - 8 positions
  3. 3. Assistant Professor - 4 positions


  • • Candidates must hold a relevant academic degree (Doctorate or equivalent).
  • • Candidates should have appropriate scientific and pedagogical experience.
  • • Experience in delivering lectures in English is required.

Document Submission:

To participate in the competition, candidates must submit the following documents electronically or in hard copy:

  1. questionnaire developed by the university (filled)
  2. 2. Copy of identity document
  3. 3. Four photographs (3x4 cm)
  4. 3. Document confirming higher education
  5. 5. Copy of relevant scientific or doctoral degree confirmation documents
  6. 5. One scientific paper
  7. 7. Syllabus for one academic course
  8. 6. Certificate of scientific-pedagogical experience
  9.  9. Document confirming experience in delivering lectures in English

Selection Process:

  • • Document review
  • • Initial assessment
  • • Interview

Application Submission:

Application Submission: Applications can be sent to the email:

The deadline for submission is November 22.

Interested parties may also contact the Human Resources and Administration Department at East-West University, located at 9 Vakhtang Gorgasali Street, Tbilisi.

The results of the competition will be announced on November 29, 2024.



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