On June 22-23, 2024, an educational exhibition "OKEF ALGERIA" was held in Algeria, organized by "OK TAMAM"

On June 22-23, 2024, an educational exhibition "OKEF ALGERIA" was held in Algeria, organized by "OK TAMAM" company, in which, along with many leading universities, "East-West University" took part. Within the framework of the exhibition, our representative met with representatives of many successful universities. And most importantly, to potential students, informed them about the university and the opportunities we offer them.



EXCLUSIVE OPPORTUNITY for MD Students! TRANSFER TO EAST-WEST UNIVERSITY & ENJOY AMAZING BENEFITS!  East-West University, in partnership with the Research and Innovation International Institute, is


East-West University has signed academic, scientific and cultural cooperation memorandums between the American University of Technology and UNI – Universum International College.

მოხარულები ვართ გაცნობოთ, რომ აღმოსავლეთ-დასავლეთ უნივერსიტეტმა American University of Technology (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) და UNI – Universum International College (Prishtina, Kosovo) შორის აკადემიური, სამეცნიერო და კულტურული თანამშრომლობის მემორანდუმები გააფორმა. აღნიშნული მემორანდუმები

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