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Visit of representatives of "East-West University" to India.

Visit of representatives of "East-West University" to India, scope of visit They visited 5 cities of India. They met potential students, introduced them to the information about the university and the opportunities we offer them.


East-West University has signed academic, scientific and cultural cooperation memorandums between the American University of Technology and UNI – Universum International College.

მოხარულები ვართ გაცნობოთ, რომ აღმოსავლეთ-დასავლეთ უნივერსიტეტმა American University of Technology (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) და UNI – Universum International College (Prishtina, Kosovo) შორის აკადემიური, სამეცნიერო და კულტურული თანამშრომლობის მემორანდუმები გააფორმა. აღნიშნული მემორანდუმები

East-West University is delighted to announce the publication of multiple research articles by Dr. Lamara Kadagidze, an invited professor who has brought valuable insights to areas such as medical communication, cultural dynamics, and mental health.

East-West University is delighted to announce the publication of multiple research articles by Dr. Lamara Kadagidze, an invited professor who has brought valuable insights to areas such as medical communication, cultural dynamics, and mental health.

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