EBSCO days in Georgia
On November 28 and 29 of this year, ISM hosted the EBSCO Days in Georgia for the fourth time. Since 2017, ISM has been an authorized provider of EBSCO in Georgia and, as usual, this year was the host of the event.
ISM (Innovative Systems Institute) ISM (Innovative Systems Institute) researches, develops, implements information systems based on innovations and international standards to promote inclusive digital transformation in various areas of social life: education, culture, business, e-government and civil sector.
EBSCO EBSCO is the world's leading provider of research databases, e-journals, e-books, academic library search engines, library technology, and clinical solutions for educational institutions, libraries, research institutes, colleges, hospitals, and corporations.
The November 28 meeting was intended for higher and vocational educational institutions and consisted of two parts;
The following issues were discussed in the first part:
- ISM services;
- EBSCO-ISM working report;
- EBSCO electronic scientific databases and their practical use;
- updated offers;
The second part of the meeting was devoted to:
- sharing of best practices from universities;
- awarding universities with high usage statistics of EBSCO electronic databases;
Representatives of 18 accredited higher and vocational educational institutions in Georgia attended the meeting. All of them will receive one month of free access to one of the EBSCO electronic science databases of their choice.
The meeting was chaired by ISM team and EBSCO regional manager Aliaksandr Rytau, who introduced EBSCO services to the audience. The invited EBSCO trainer, Iryna Serzhan, conducted training on using EBSCO services.