The selection of participants for the seasonal international school project "Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence" has begun.

The selection of participants for the seasonal international school project “Cyber ​​Security and Artificial Intelligence” has begun.

The lecturers of the seasonal school will be both local and international specialists – professors from Spain, France, Lithuania, the United States of America, Romania, Ukraine. The project is implemented on the basis of Caucasus University, with the financial support of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia, Eastern European University and East-West University.

Within the framework of the school, students will study cyber security, artificial intelligence and its use in cyber security.

  • Undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students will be accepted as trainees. Knowledge of the English language is a necessary condition.
  • Participation in the seasonal school is free.
  • Applicants can fill out the appropriate registration form (in English). Those wishing to participate in the project should pay attention to the field of the motivation letter, where they should write in a maximum of 150 words why you want to join the project and why you should be chosen.
  • We will contact the selected candidate no later than October 20.
  • Seasonal school lessons will be held at Caucasus University from October 23 to November 7.

To register, go to the following link:



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