უნივერსიტეტი გახდება მედიცინის, ჯანმრთელობის დაცვის და ჯანმრთელობის დაცვის მართვის საერთაშორისოდ აღიარებული საგანმანათლებლო დაწესებულება ხარისხიანი ...
უნივერსიტეტი გახდება მედიცინის, ჯანმრთელობის დაცვის და ჯანმრთელობის დაცვის მართვის საერთაშორისოდ აღიარებული საგანმანათლებლო დაწესებულება ხარისხიანი ...
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise
“University hospitals give us opportunities to use practical skills and knowledge. Medical stuff is very supportive towards us. I recommend EWUNI because it gives great opportunity to become a great doctor.”
“University hospitals give us opportunities to use practical skills and knowledge. Medical stuff is very supportive towards us. I recommend EWUNI because it gives great opportunity to become a great doctor.”
“Most interesting aspect of studying medicine is the clinical aspects and EWUNI has a lot of clinical rotations, workshops, OSCE, PBL sessions to face the medical world. Whole curriculum is designed by renowned doctors of Georgia”
“Most interesting aspect of studying medicine is the clinical aspects and EWUNI has a lot of clinical rotations, workshops, OSCE, PBL sessions to face the medical world. Whole curriculum is designed by renowned doctors of Georgia”
“My university gave me the opportunity to work as a volunteer in aladashvili clinic, this experience each day brings something new to learn.”
“My university gave me the opportunity to work as a volunteer in aladashvili clinic, this experience each day brings something new to learn.”
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